The Procurement Act – Using AI for Social Value

At the same time, whatimpact was invited to be a part of APMP UK’s (the leading association for bid writing professionals) Procurement Act Panel Discussion in London last week. There was a compelling discussion centred around the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in procurement and the Procurement Bill being prepared around it. Our CEO, Tiia

What is Social Value?

What is Social Value is a frequently asked question, with varied answers. Therefore, we at whatimpact wish to present a clear answer aligned with Social Value UK’s principles. Social Value encompasses a broad range of factors, reflecting an organisation’s commitment to making a positive impact on society.  It includes environmental factors, as well as achieving

Fueling Collaboration: How the Government’s Social Value Initiative is Empowering Charities and Social Enterprises

Government’s drive for social value has created new company collaboration opportunities for charities, social enterprises and local initiatives. The private sector is increasingly investing in environmental and social value for ESG requirements, employee engagement and building a sustainable legacy. Social value is an umbrella concept for social, economic and environmental value, and since 2021 it