Social Value Manager 1.0 - White Paper
Get your copy of our white paper!
Launch Event
Our launch event bringing together the social value community on October 9th at the RSA in London was a huge success! Check out some of the highlights from our incredible line-up of speakers.
whatimpact is a platform made with and for social value professionals. We invite everyone to join our platform to make social value management more efficient and impactful!
What is included in an annual subscription to whatimpact.com?
- Social Value material bank and Social Value Management Handbook
- Social Value Planning Tool for winning social value bids
- Matchmaking nationwide with charities and social enterprises with due diligence and communication service
- whatimpact with actively make sure you will find suitable partners in any geographical location you need
- Each partnership/match made in the platform will generate a GOV Social Value/TOMs Model aligned impact reporting – shareable links and downloadable documents
- Employee volunteering hub with volunteering opportunities and reporting (I have included this to our premium package with no extra cost for the first year)
- Customer service 9am to 5pm every working day (chat, emails and calls) for technical advice and tips
- Onboarding training for all admins