What is Social Value?

What is Social Value is a frequently asked question, with varied answers. Therefore, we at whatimpact wish to present a clear answer aligned with Social Value UK’s principles. Social Value encompasses a broad range of factors, reflecting an organisation’s commitment to making a positive impact on society.  It includes environmental factors, as well as achieving

Two major business risks in social value to mitigate

When considering social value from social, environmental, and economic perspectives, its influence on the private sector and business practices is profound, presenting both opportunities and risks. Companies are increasingly driven to embrace sustainability for various reasons critical to their future success. For example, compliance with sustainable procurement regulations, attracting investors interested in sustainable companies, securing

Can technology measure the ‘S’ in ESG?

We discussed with The Times business supplement the significance of validated data in making claims for social value and ESG technology. In the future, companies and their social value claims face closer scrutiny, impacting turnover and economic value through mandatory procurement requirements. Additionally, investors invest in ‘good companies’ with higher valuations. Therefore, it is not

Is your CSR strategy putting strain on a charity?

Charitable efforts carried out by companies may have honourable intentions. However, in our U.K pilot study, results showed that companies can actually cause more strain on charities’ limited resources than benefit. While a ‘fun company team day out’ of volunteering may be welcomed by HR teams or top-level executives, 40% of charities admit that they