PPN 06/20 has set a mandatory requirement for companies to deliver social value through their contract work for government organisations. Enhancing training, education and employment at the local level is a social value priority across different industries and local councils. Whether it is encouraging young people to reach different opportunities in employment or helping ex-offenders
First location based model for social value in Reading
Reading is choosing to take a step towards real, tangible and proven social value through a place-based-model for planning, matching and reporting on social value provided by tech-for-good start-up whatimpact.com We are thrilled to announce our official partnership with Connect Reading and our shared goal of forging social value partnerships at the local level in Reading.
The difference between social value proxies and tangible action in generating environmental and social value
The enhanced Social Value Act (PPN 06/20) has made it mandatory for all companies bidding for tenders and being a government contractor to make a realistic and actionable plan to deliver social and environmental value in the geographical area of the contract work. This requirement has existed the longest within the built environment sector and
Social value now matters for G-cloud 13
Are you applying for G-cloud-13? Bidding for government tenders? Hoping to win more business? The UK Government’s introduction of the Social Value Act Enhancement (Procurement Policy Note 06/20) made it mandatory for all government procurement departments to include social value delivery in their scoring criteria for public tender bids. It has been embraced in different
Press Release: whatimpact responds to Minister Rees-Mogg’s objections on social value
The UK Government’s intent to harness the £357bn procurement budget to generate social value through PPN 06/20 demonstrates the UK Government’s commitment to being a global frontrunner of sustainable procurement. The ambitious Social Value Act enhancement is only one year old, but already Minister Rees-Mogg is contemplating giving up the initiative altogether. The legislation has
Challenges in winning tenders: social value matters
Social value has become the biggest differentiating factor in winning tenders due to the Social Value Act enhancement PPN 06/20, which took effect in 2021. As the social value plan linked to the tender bid now contributes to 10-30% of the scoring points, those companies focusing on sustainable practices and community engagement will be the