Can technology measure the ‘S’ in ESG?

We discussed with The Times business supplement the significance of validated data in making claims for social value and ESG technology. In the future, companies and their social value claims face closer scrutiny, impacting turnover and economic value through mandatory procurement requirements. Additionally, investors invest in ‘good companies’ with higher valuations. Therefore, it is not

UK’s First Social Value Management Handbook – Foreword

Almost two years ago it became mandatory for companies and other service providers to deliver social value as a part of their contract work for central government and local authorities. Government organisations have gradually incorporated social value requirements from PPN 06/20 into their procurement practices. They have slightly varied social value frameworks. This initiative, to

Partner with education, training & employment organisations to meet social value criteria

PPN 06/20 has set a mandatory requirement for companies to deliver social value through their contract work for government organisations. Enhancing training, education and employment at the local level is a social value priority across different industries and local councils. Whether it is encouraging young people to reach different opportunities in employment or helping ex-offenders

First location based model for social value in Reading

Reading is choosing to take a step towards real, tangible and proven social value through a place-based-model for planning, matching and reporting on social value provided by tech-for-good start-up We are thrilled to announce our official partnership with Connect Reading and our shared goal of forging social value partnerships at the local level in Reading.

The difference between social value proxies and tangible action in generating environmental and social value

The enhanced Social Value Act (PPN 06/20) has made it mandatory for all companies bidding for tenders and being a government contractor to make a realistic and actionable plan to deliver social and environmental value in the geographical area of the contract work. This requirement has existed the longest within the built environment sector and

Social value now matters for G-cloud 13

Are you applying for G-cloud-13? Bidding for government tenders? Hoping to win more business? The UK Government’s introduction of the Social Value Act Enhancement (Procurement Policy Note 06/20) made it mandatory for all government procurement departments to include social value delivery in their scoring criteria for public tender bids. It has been embraced in different