If you are an NHS contractor or part of a supply network, social value is increasingly something to take seriously. The NHS’s focus for 2024 is social value, in all contract work, enhanced by the new Procurement Act. Social value is not straightforward: it requires effort, dedication, careful planning, efficient action, and capable reporting.
ThirdSector & whatimpact
How attractive is your charity or social enterprise to CSR partners? Are you missing out on the opportunities of the Social Value Act? How can you get the right kind of donations and volunteers from companies? At whatimpact we deal with these questions of matchmaking between companies and charities / social enterprises on daily basis.
NHS to prioritise social value
NHS England has extended the reach of mandatory social value requirements (PPN 06/20) to the commissioning and purchase of goods and services by all NHS organisations as well as those acting on behalf of these. This shift has important implications for all organisations bidding for NHS tenders. A minimum 10% weighting around social value now