When considering social value from social, environmental, and economic perspectives, its influence on the private sector and business practices is profound, presenting both opportunities and risks. Companies are increasingly driven to embrace sustainability for various reasons critical to their future success. For example, compliance with sustainable procurement regulations, attracting investors interested in sustainable companies, securing
How to build a winning social value plan?
A social value plan is playing an increasingly important role in government contracts and has become the winning factor when bidding for tenders. PPN 06/20 requirements for explicit, locally relevant and contract-specific social value are now over two years old. During this period, many local authorities and central government organisations have received unrealistic social value
Harnessing volunteering schemes for tender specific social value
At least 11 million employees have the option to volunteer during work hours, according to estimates. This is a massive investment to social and environmental good by companies. However, there are also internal motivations for these investments such as employee engagement, retention and team building in the workplace. Social value (an umbrella concept for social,