whatimpact in the press
For any press queries, please email danielle@whatimpact.com
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whatimpact’s contributions to the public sector have been recognised in a prominent global magazine!
Open Access Government featured whatimpact’s grant-making technology and efficient dashboard system, showcasing how to enhance efficiency and impact in delivering social value. It also highlighted options for enhancing social value in procurement for the public sector.
whatimpact endorsed in the Charity Today publication by Samtaler Social Value consultancy.
Samtaler have witnessed in practice the efficiency of the whatimpact.com matchmaking and reporting system, which helps make the most of company-VCSE partnership.
Social Value Hackathon pilot wins international data award
The pro bono cross-sector collaborative data project whatimpact has been a part of alongside Babcock, Microsoft and the Ministry of Defence has been awarded with a ‘Data for Social Good’ award. Read more in this article.
Pro Bono Hackathon Wins Data Award for Social Good
The pro bono cross-sector collaborative data project whatimpact has been a part of alongside Babcock, Microsoft and the Ministry of Defence has been awarded with a ‘Data for Social Good’ award. Read more in this article.
Social Value in Defence hackathon project wins international data award
The pro bono cross-sector collaborative data project whatimpact has been a part of alongside Babcock, Microsoft and the Ministry of Defence has been awarded with a ‘Data for Social Good’ award. Read more in this article.
Hackathon pilot wins international data award
The pro bono cross-sector collaborative data project whatimpact has been a part of alongside Babcock, Microsoft and the Ministry of Defence has been awarded with a ‘Data for Social Good’ award. Read more in this article.
How can you measure the ‘social value’ of your products, goods and services?
The idea of measuring the ‘social value’ outcomes of collaborative projects between the private, public and third sector is gaining weight in the UK. Read Tiia’s interview on the topic!
Social value is not a tick box exercise – three principles for making a real impact
Companies are now required to demonstrate social value as part of a procurement process, particularly when bidding for public sector tenders. Even though it is now a requirement and growing priority, how does one begin?
Connect Reading teams with whatimpact.com to help organisations give back
Reading is choosing to take a step towards real, tangible and proven social value through a place-based-model for planning, matching and reporting on social value provided by tech-for-good start-up whatimpact.com.
Can technology measure the ‘S’ in ESG?
The ‘S’ in ESG is a hot topic and the world is trying to make sense of it with turning it into numbers. One can surely calculate monetary value for social value, but only when the difference being made is known and validated. This means we need to know the progress made through action – this requires qualitative information. After having this data and evidence, we can speak about numbers.
Realising true social value in construction
Throughout the changes in legislation, companies in the construction industry have been making the of social value. There are still challenges that remain in bidding, delivering and reporting and whatimpact proposes potential solutions to these.
Now’s not the time for the UK to roll back on social value
The UK Government’s Social Value Act Enhancement (Procurement Policy Note 06/20) faces many challenges and whatimpact.com suggests new procurement practices and systems to achieve the full potential of the Social Value Act.
How small businesses can deliver impactful & meaningful social value
Small businesses and micro companies are traditionally active contributors to their local communities and they often differentiate themselves from bigger players through product innovation, locality and their social mission to make a difference.
Third Sector Article Bank
We have written multiple articles for Third Sector all about the role of charities in social value.
- Social value is top of the agenda for 2022, so how can charities benefit?
- How attractive is your charity to CSR partners?
- Is your charity missing out on the opportunities of the Social Value Act?
- Bridging the supporter-recipient gap: five ways charities can get the right help from businesses
Not just a government requirement, a shared social responsibility
Building and Facilities News chose us as their social value solution company of the month.
How to abide by the updated Social Value Act, whilst growing your company’s CSR programmes.
In Conversation With whatimpact: Understanding the New Requirements of the Social Value Act
Launch of AI matchmaking platform to connect IT companies & charities under new Social Value Act
AI matchmaking platform to connect insurance companies and charities
UK based AI matchmaking platform whatimpact has launched to connect insurance companies and charities to help implement CSR programmes in line with the new requirements in the Social Value Act (SVA).
Launch of AI matchmaking platform to connect tech companies and charities under new Social Value Act
AI matchmaking platform helps companies & charities connect under new Social Value Act
An AI matchmaking platform has launched to connect companies and charities to help implement CSR programmes in line with the new requirements in the Social Value Act, which requires all companies that bid for public contracts to present a social value delivery plan and to report back on their social value impact every quarter.
Launch Of AI Matchmaking Platform To Connect Companies And Charities
An AI matchmaking platform called ‘whatimpact’ has launched in order to connect companies and charities, and help implement CSR programmes in line with the new requirements in the Social Value Act (SVA).
whatcharity CEO, Tiia Sammallahti, interviewed for BBC Radio 4
whatcharity CEO, Tiia Sammallahti, interviewed for Sky News
whatcharity CEO, Tiia Sammallahti, interviewed for London Live TV
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